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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[MSEA] Big Bang post II

The server has been really unstable these days. Let me sum up the extent of it.

Since the Big Bang patch was released, there have been 10 urgent maintenance and server checks, all in a span of 3 weeks. In addition, there was the major rollback, login issues, lagging issues and the urgent surprise checks never seem to solve the problems! (There is one currently going on right now)

One good thing did come out of the rollback, I learnt how to post on a forum about the rollback! I had to resort to that since there was no information on the webpage or the facebook page, which made it seem as if the developers were covering it up...

Anyway so, another good thing that came out of the Big Bang patch as the leveling! The exp system was revamped to make leveling easier, perhaps, a bid to attract more players? They won me over. I actually went to train and rid myself of the 122 I had for around 6 months and moved on.. to 123! Such a pretty number.

Lets look at a case study.

This Battle mage become 100.. in a span of a week!?  know cause he's my friend. Credit goes to the 2x exp event that was given to Aquila as a compensation of the rollback, but that's a triple digit in a week! True, some people are just hardcore trainers but hey to me, that's really fast.

Sadly, I'm not the training type. Maybe I'll reach 200 in a couple of years!

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